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Fares shown are per person, based on double occupancy and may not include government taxes and fees. Images shown are representative only. From prices are based upon the lowest fare and are subject to availability. Your exact price depends upon selected day of departure, departure city, ship, cabin level and class of airfare available. Rates for third and fourth passengers are not shown. All prices and dates are subject to availability. All offers and upgrades are for selected dates, sailings, and cabin categories only, are subject to availability, and are capacity controlled. All prices and dates may not be available at time of booking. All information is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to correct errors.

Celebrity Ascent - Celebrity Cruises
Celebrity Ascent - Celebrity Cruises
Greece, Turkey & Italy

departing from Athens (Piraeus), Greece

Departing: Sat, 3 Aug 2024
Duration: 7 Nights
Arrival Port: Rome (Civitavecchia)
Ports of Call: Athens (Piraeus), Greece, Santorini, Greece, Ephesus (Kusadasi), Mykonos, Greece, Naples, Italy, Rome (Civitavecchia)

InsideOcean ViewBalconySuite
$1,629 pp* $1,704 pp* $2,005 pp* $5,005 pp*

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1300 369 848